2050 : The story of a resilient future

Publié le 10/07/2015

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Local warning and global warming,
Why are we talking when we could be acting?

We have to build a “weather ready society” as part of a sustainable world,
Based on adaptation, information and projection towards critical thresholds,
Only then, will we realize that livelihood is the one true stable form of land lord.

It is a fact that climate change is human induced,
So are we doomed with fossil fuels and hostile fools?
“5 degree” temperature increase and ice lost irreversible retreat,
The questions are: “How do we treat it?” and now “what if”?

What if we definitely crossed the blackline of the coral barrier reef?
What if we didn’t care about the ice caps and the ocean water decrease?
What if we don’t anticipate the million future climate possible refugees?
What if living all in harmony is not our common project for a world society?

Different scenarios of biodiversity exist, so how can we preserve the life of all species?
Global efforts are required, but what really matters: a minority wealthy or a majority healthy?
To be or not to be, to live or just to kill, destroy and then rebuild, to leave or just believe?

Will the end of the century see the last chapter of our human odyssey and Earth story?
Trees are all dying, bees are not flying, nature can survive but only by adapting,
Solar energy is incoming and is enhanced genetics now an obligation after a possibility?
How can breeds continue to feed in peace: because when you are hungry, you are angry!

So it is time to have a common vision and horizon to have new door of entry.
And while we measure the implication of the current carbon emissions,
Let’s think and act collectively and responsibly for Humanity to show its maturity.

Let’s go to the day the planet will say “NO” like the Greeks against the EURO.
What will be the human echo? Wealth or health, where will we go with our ego
CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere, interference between both hemispheres,
“Humans were here”, will it become our R.I.P sign as if we didn’t have ears?

What future for our cities and the Earth “resilience” of Humanity”?
How can we prosper in an environment where there is no security?
We should all be “planetary stewards” as said Ségolène Royal,
Because the “uncertainty range” data is in front of us to act now.

Our “common future” has now become “under climate change”,
So to be resilient may be our last chance at a long lasting dance.
2050 will be 50-50, so, what will it be? A question for them, us, you, me and we,
Not only as activists, but political dynamics, essential needs and true humanists.

No more time for “yes we can”, the new chapter of our movie is “yes we will”
Create a resilient future, preserving nature, adapting cultures and infrastructures.
A desirable decarbonized world with people marching to keep hope and pressure.
The show must go on and the “chaud” must stop…
We all share the dream of an ethnic world with human ethics!

Preserving deforestation and biosphere reserves, We have in the past learned from the dying “blue curve”
At the crossroads of time, let’s all prepare for a magic U turn.

“Save the planet”: it is WE who have to change, not the climate.
Because on the human global boat on which we all co-navigate,
We have a choice between “invested captains” or “interested pirates”.

Finally, yes, our goal is still utopia, far from stock markets in euphoria,
We open our eyes and our hearts between fertile soils and turbine oils,
So let’s make a point of impact in a pact as 21st century “survivors”!

If yesterday, property rimed with greed and money,
Let’s rise to make sure tomorrow society rimes with harmony.

“Refresh the climate and Rewrite the future”

Author: Vincent Avanzi, Modern day Poet, Speaker and founder of A Human Odyssey

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